Family and Domestic Violence Policy
The safety of our customers and their family members affected by family and domestic violence comes first.
If you are in an emergency situation or not feeling safe, dial 000.
For confidential counselling, information and support, call 1800 RESPECT, which is available 24/7.
Family and Domestic Violence
Family and domestic violence can happen to anyone. It generally involves violent, threatening or abusive behaviour enacted by a former or current family member, with the intention of coercion or control, causing fear or harm.
Family and domestic violence may include, but is not limited to:
- Physical violence
- Sexual abuse
- Emotional or psychological abuse
- Economic or financial abuse
- Threatening, intimidating, or coercive behaviour
- Technological abuse
- Coercive control
- Stalking
Our Commitment
Genus recognise that the cycle of family and domestic violence is complex and acknowledge that everyone’s situation and needs are different. Survivors may struggle with acute issues at a point of crisis, or ongoing issues in the longer term.
We’re committed to supporting our customers and employees when they experience family and domestic violence.
This policy outlines our processes to help minimise the risk of harm in our interactions with you if you are experiencing family or domestic violence. It is designed to assist you in dealing with us and to give you comfort that we will prioritise your and your children’s safety and respond flexibly to your individual circumstance.
How We Can Support You
If you tell us, or we recognise that you are affected by family or domestic violence, we are here to help.
We have a specialist Client Care team dedicated to working with customers who need specific assistance such as support in relation to family and domestic violence. You can contact us directly or ask to speak to a member of the team when you call or email us.
- Email:
- Phone: Call the Client Care team on 1300 396 455
- Mail: GPO Box 4793, Sydney NSW 2001
Protecting Your Privacy
We understand the risks of disclosing information in relation to customers experiencing family and domestic violence. In addition to our privacy policy, we will:
- Discuss safe ways to communicate with you and record this information to ensure adherence across our business
- Ensure that your contact information is secure and confidential and, where possible, give you control over how your personal information is shared with third parties
There may be times when legislation requires us to disclose information. We will work with you wherever possible in the instances of disclosure. For further information, please go to Privacy Policy | Genus Life Insurance Services.
Sensitive Claims Handling
If you let us know you are experiencing family and domestic violence, we can better support you during the claims process. It will not have any adverse effect on or prejudice your claim. Our Claims Assessors receive training to offer sensitive claims handling in the following ways:
- Minimise the retelling of your situation
- Not require you to make direct contact with an alleged perpetrator or notify the police about an alleged perpetrator
- Be flexible in our approaches to accommodate your needs
- Fast-tracking your claim
- Providing emergency payments
- Reviewing decisions quickly if there is disagreement about cover
Financial Hardship Support
If you have been impacted by family and domestic violence, you may be able to access financial hardship assistance such as:
- Reviewing cover to make sure it is right
- Deferred or reduced payments for premiums
- Changing how often payments are made
- Developing a payment plan
- Reduced or waived claims excess payments
For further information, please contact one of our Client Care team at or call 1300 396 455.
Our Employees are trained to support you
We ensure all our employees and partners receive regular and updated training relevant to their roles so that we can:
- Identify the early signs that a customer may be experiencing family and domestic violence, including if a customer:
- Appears, or sounds, distressed or scared
- Is heard to be taking instructions from their partner
- Remains silent while another party does all the talking
- Does not understand, or is not aware, that cover has been taken out in their name
- Has concerns about protecting their personal privacy or safety, or the security of their policies
- Changes their address frequently
- Does not want their physical address recorded
- Is consistently late with premium payments
- Discloses the existence of any past or present family and domestic violence, or an intervention order or its equivalent
- Respond to disclosures of family and domestic violence with dignity, respect and compassion
- Provide you with access to a specialist Client Care manager who you can deal with directly
- Take into account your ongoing communication preferences where possible, including the option to communicate with your preferred gender where possible
- Minimise the number of times that you need to disclose information about your situation
- Prioritise your safety, by protecting sensitive, private and confidential information
- Refer you to community organisations to receive additional support.
If appropriate, we can also help you set up a new policy. If you request us to set up a new insurance cover on your life we will work with you directly to establish this cover with as minimum requirements as possible and to do so as quickly as possible whilst maintaining confidentiality of your new insurance arrangements.
Supporting our employees
We recognise our employees may be vicariously affected by supporting customers experiencing family and domestic violence and require support in the same way that others do. Employees may be adversely affected either by the impact of the customer’s issues or when their interactions with a customer cause them to relive their own experiences of family and domestic violence. We support employees who are impacted by interacting with customers experiencing family and domestic violence through training, additional leave and external referrals.
At Genus we also have an Employee Family and Domestic Violence policy that is designed to support our employees affected by family and domestic violence, ensuring they are supported in the workplace.
Other services that may be able to support you
Always call 000 if you or your family are in immediate danger.
1800 RESPECTNational 24-hour family and domestic violence and sexual assault line. Phone: 1800 737 732 Website: |
MensLine24/7 support, information and referral service for men with family and relationship issues. Phone: 1300 78 99 78 Website: |
Lifeline24/7 counselling and referral service for people in a crisis situation. Phone: 13 11 14 Website: |
Mens Referral Service – No to Violence (NTV)Assistance, information and counselling to help men who use family violence. Phone: 1300 766 491 Website: |
Kids Help LineFree 24/7 counselling for children and young people aged 5 to 25 years. Phone: 1800 55 1800 Website: |
Elder Abuse Help LineSupport for people who experience or witness abuse of an older person. Operating hours vary. Phone: 1800 353 374 Website: |
Financial Counselling AustraliaFree resources and advice from a private financial counsellor. Phone: 1800 007 007 |
13 YARNConfidential one-on-one yarning opportunity with Lifeline-trained Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter. Phone: 13 92 76 Website: |
Beyond Blue24/7 support for people experiencing anxiety or depression. Phone: 1300 224 636 Website: |
National Debt HotlineFinancial counselling is a free, confidential service to assist people in financial difficulty. Phone: 1800 007 007 Website: |
National Association of Community Legal CentresAn independent not-for-profit community organisation that provides legal and related services to the public, focusing on the disadvantaged and people with special needs. Website: |
Relationships AustraliaRelationship support services for individuals, families, and communities. Phone: 1300 364 277 Website: |
Policy Review
This policy, its associated procedures and external support links are regularly monitored as part of our Compliance framework. During our regular review of the policy we commit to the following;
- Update the policy wording to ensure it remains factually correct and relevant
- Test and update as required all web links and contact details for external support providers
- Provide our employees with relevant policy updates and training as required
- Analyse the information available to us to ensure that this policy is working in practice and is applicable to real life experiences of customers experiencing family and domestic violence
his policy is reviewed every 3 years and was last reviewed in September 2024.
Making a complaint
If you would like to lodge a complaint with respect to Genus’ compliance with our family and domestic violence policy please contact the Client Care Manager.
PHONECall the Client Care team on 1300 396 455 and ask to speak with the Client Care Manager.
MAIL GPO Box 4793, Sydney NSW 2001
ONLINE Lodge a complaint via our online complaint registration form and make it for the attention of the Client Care Manager.